Sunday, August 5, 2012

Things are starting to make sense with all of this marketing stuff!

Well this weekend I had a lot of time to do some research on some things.  I learned how to make an aweber contact page and put it on word press site via a plugin.  So I can start my list.  I have created a free item to give away but I have not figured out how to have a "download site"  I learned about the website Twiends and have met some funny people and gained some twitter followers in the process.

Sometimes I feel like I have information overload.  I know one thing I have to get to get organized.  I need to keep track off all the affiliate programs out there and make sure I sign up with them also.  Problem is that I have signed up for so many that I have forgot about some of them.  I have a notebook that I keep with passwords that I have used to get into various websites.  I have an excel file that I used when I took the 30 day challenge from the Niche Choppers website but I stopped at day seven then cherry picked through the rest of the list.  I only did  some of the things on the checklist and I still made money in the first 30 days.

What got me to this point.  is I had made my first sale ever on click-bank selling a leveling guide for a popular PC game and then I was hooked.  I was bummed to find out that I had to make four other sales to get the money but hey,  I am on my way.  Hell if I can make money not really doing anything then anyone can.  Well my family is sleeping in so I am about to wake them up so we can cook breakfast and watch the movie the Artist.  Thank you Redbox.  Well have a good day.

If you want to start making some money - Click Here!

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