Friday, August 31, 2012

Ohh child things are getting harder cause your not doing anything.

Wow.  This week has gone by so fast. I still not have accomplished anything,  I have been sitting here dreaming and not enough doing, again.  I worked my full time job and then came home and analyzed.  analyzed my butt right on the couch.  I am going to do what I want to do this Labor day and then it is back to business.    Thing are going to be great in September.  I just know it.  I plan to make 50 dollars this month from Internet Marketing.   Just opened my cable bill and Damn, Damn, Damn it is so high.  I came across this for a solution if you wanna get rid of your cable company and watch tv on your pc then Click Here!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Getting my Twitter On and other things you need for Internet Marketing.

I found some really great information from the Warrior Forum.  I purchased a WSO for $5 learning about Twitter and how to use it.  Boy did it ever open my eyes.  I have found out a way to get more twitter followers and how to use my click bank better and profit from it.  I learned how to advertise my own gig on fiverr.

The only thing I have realized  while learning about Internet Marketing  is that you must do it.  This is what I have learned.  Action is the key.  I keep getting stuck on new techniques and want to try them and get focused and do not get anything accomplished.  You know why that guy makes a 1000 a week is cause he is actually doing something either making a plan, putting it into action,  rinse and repeat.  I have also been taking a close look at click bank products even more than ever.  I might have some sales copy pages made for the affiliates.  Then start promoting it.   My goal is too start making a dollar a day form internet marketing.  As soon as I reach it then I will double it.  Sept 1st is when I will post my profit statement from Internet Marketing.  I have added this too my list of programs that I want to get. Are you ready to get it for yourself and take action now. If you are then Click Here!

Allowing Complete Beginners To Build Up A Successful Affiliate Marketing Business From Scratch

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Things are starting to make sense with all of this marketing stuff!

Well this weekend I had a lot of time to do some research on some things.  I learned how to make an aweber contact page and put it on word press site via a plugin.  So I can start my list.  I have created a free item to give away but I have not figured out how to have a "download site"  I learned about the website Twiends and have met some funny people and gained some twitter followers in the process.

Sometimes I feel like I have information overload.  I know one thing I have to get to get organized.  I need to keep track off all the affiliate programs out there and make sure I sign up with them also.  Problem is that I have signed up for so many that I have forgot about some of them.  I have a notebook that I keep with passwords that I have used to get into various websites.  I have an excel file that I used when I took the 30 day challenge from the Niche Choppers website but I stopped at day seven then cherry picked through the rest of the list.  I only did  some of the things on the checklist and I still made money in the first 30 days.

What got me to this point.  is I had made my first sale ever on click-bank selling a leveling guide for a popular PC game and then I was hooked.  I was bummed to find out that I had to make four other sales to get the money but hey,  I am on my way.  Hell if I can make money not really doing anything then anyone can.  Well my family is sleeping in so I am about to wake them up so we can cook breakfast and watch the movie the Artist.  Thank you Redbox.  Well have a good day.

If you want to start making some money - Click Here!